Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And Our Chilean Adventure Comes to an End...

The time has come to end our Chilean blog.  We’ve moved back to the U.S.   Our Chilean adventure lasted from October 2008 until May 2011.  The adventure did not end by our choice.  My health was the driver. 

I began experiencing respiratory issues noticeably in January and attributed it to the climate we lived in – the Atacama Desert with a mine spewing whatever just outside of town.  I was persuaded by a new expat (who just happens to be an emergency room nurse) to see a doctor in Santiago in March versus waiting to see one on a planned trip in May. 

The Santiago pulmonologist confirmed my diagnosis – asthma – and prescribed a treatment of inhalers with a follow-up appointment a month later.  I followed the inhaler treatment and returned to see the doctor just before our planned trip back to the U.S.   My appointment was for a Thursday and we were to leave for the U.S. on Saturday.  So, I made a day trip to Santiago.  The doctor ended up ordering a CT scan which changed the original diagnosis – significantly.  The CT scan showed a tumor in the lower lobe of my left lung which was interfering with air flow which was what had been causing the wheezing I had been experiencing.

We returned to the U.S. and passed a month with appointments and tests (and our annual trip to the Grand Canyon for Larry’s hike) to prepare me for the required surgery to remove the lower lobe.  Surgery was scheduled at the Mayo Hospital for Monday, June 13.  The stay lasted longer than the planned 5-7 days due to complications associated with the dreaded intestines.  Larry brought me “home” 14 days after having been admitted.  The surgery went well.  The surgeon was able to save the upper lobe.  However, biopsy of surrounding lymph glands demonstrated that the cancer had spread so I was referred to an oncologist – Dr. Parapati at the Mayo Clinic.  Further tests showed that the lung carcinoid tumor cells had metastasized to the liver. 

In the meantime, Freeport has been a phenomenal company regarding allowing Larry to be with me for nearly all tests and appointments.  Furthermore, he now works out of the corporate office here in Phoenix – Manager of Process  Improvement?  We’ve bought a home in Carefree – a community of 2500 inhabitants just a tad north of Scottsdale.  We’re at a little higher elevation so experience somewhat cooler temperatures (okay, it is still pretty darn warm) and are enjoying the peacefulness of living in a small community on the outskirts of this huge city.  It is the first time in our married life that we’ve lived in a city. 

I began chemotherapy Monday, August 15.  The planned schedule is that I’ll receive chemo on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and follow with 2 ½ weeks off.  Dr. Parapati is planning on 4 – 6 sessions of this schedule. 

Therefore, this will be my last post to this blog.  I’ve appreciated the technology allowing me to record all we’ve done while living in Chile – it was a grand experience.  I’ll start a new blog.  I had trouble coming up with a name but Larry helped me – we’re going to call it Living Carefree…which you’ll find at: